Madam liang dan , brunch director of unido mr . wang yue , director of cicete 联合国工业发展组织技术与投资促进司司长梁丹女士
Mr . wang yue , director general of cicete and chairman of the china - finland sme working group , participated in the meeting 中国国际经济技术交流中心主任中芬经贸科技联委会中小企业工作组中方主席王粤参加了会谈。
Mr . iipo kaislaniemi said that he would bring the greeting of mr . wang yue back to finland . the chinese side is ahead of the finnish 凯先生表示将转达王粤主任的问候,中方工作组的步伐快于芬方,芬方将加大工作力度。
Song peng , from the computer science department of tianjin university , and wang yue , from the accounting department of nankai university , won joint first prize 天津大学计算机系的宋鹏和南开大学会计系的王悦获得了一等奖。
After the meeting , mr . wang yue , chairman of china - finland sme working group for the chinese side and director general of cicete received mr . iipo kaislaniemi 会后,中芬中小企业工作组中方主席交流中心主任王粤接见了凯依波先生。